
It was exciting to meet 2 friends, David & Miwa, in April. We all have the same belief, Buddhism, and are members of Soka Gakkai International (SGI).

真開心, 四月份見到了新朋友 David & 舊朋友 Miwa...

65 Yuli & David

David, a new friend from Holland and never been to Taiwan before, is an open-minded and lovely person. He came to TW few days for business but only worked few hours. Some of us took him to see night market, Taipei 101, National Palace Museum, SGI center. He  also met some TW SGI members and shared his experiences, and also tried some Taiwan famous food.

David 是一位來自荷蘭的可愛老爹, 來台北幾天主要是為了工作, 順道參觀這個未曾造訪的城市, 我們帶他看了台北101, 士林夜市, 故宮, SGI 會館...等. David 非常的 open-minded, 試了許多獨特的台灣小吃, 就連我們騙他說青蛙下蛋真的是青蛙蛋, 他也不排斥試試..., 很可愛的朋友!!  


Miwa, a Japanese friend and has studied Chinese around 9 months in TW, works in Shang-hai now. We did have a great time in Taipei, shopping in Wufenpu & Yung-Kang street, having fantastic teatime, meeting some friends...etc. We also hope to visit Miwa's apartment in Shang-hai and travel to Mongolia together. I really hope to see Miwa san soon...

Miwa 是位很可愛大方的日本女孩, 很有語言天份, 中英文都說得超好!! 目前在上海工作的她趁著五一假期回來台灣見老朋友, 我們還約好, 若七月能順利直航的話, 一定會在今年去上海找 Miwa 玩, 還要一起跟著 Miwa 來自蒙古的同事一起去蒙古玩... 天使

Dear David & Miwa..., missing you!!!向右擁抱向左擁抱


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