

Not sure if you have the same issue with me, 總是很容易就不小心不經意的發現許多細微中的不美好.

For example:  

Ÿ   a tiny tear on someone's silk socks;

Ÿ   別人衣服上一個位在極不顯眼處小小的破洞;

Ÿ   a small bug or dirt on the window of a bus, and wondering if I am the only one person to find the bug running around and surprising that still have someone leaning on the window and dozed on the bus;

Ÿ   頭髮沒有梳好而掉出來的一小撮不自然的頭髮, 或翹起的髮尾;

Ÿ   easily to hear some strange and disgusting sound from others, like hiccup and vomit;

Ÿ   在餐館用餐時, 老闆端來食物時, 手指碰到飯菜或使用的餐具不太清潔... 

My colleague told me it means I am a 歹命人. 因為總是容易發現細微中的不完美, so I always hope that everything is perfect. 雖然我個人覺得自己不是個完美主意者, but some of my friends or colleauges said I always like to focus on many tiny or unnessary or unobvious details.

雖然看到小小的不完整時, 我總會忍不住的想糾正或提醒當事人, 或被那不完美牽動分心, 但我只是希望一切的一切都盡善盡美~, 生活中的許多不完美我依然能與之共處的很好呢!! I am not a perfectionist.


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